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Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor update- ACTION NEEDED ASAP

Aloha kākou,

Mahalo nui loa, for attending the meeting held this past Sunday in regards to the ongoing and future projects down at the Kawaihae North Small Boat Harbor (Kawaihae -SBH). If you are wondering why you are getting this email when you didnʻt attend, its because Ko Kawaihae needs your kākoʻo (support) and your organizations kākoʻo (support).

Included in this email is the requests discussed at the meeting taken by Katie Fendel. Also included is Rep. Dave Tarnasʻs response to Katie about her notes. She has also included a template should you need kōkua in writing your letter of support and whom your emails should be sent to. We must get our letters of support in ASAP or by Monday, April 4 the bill is currently scheduled to be heard the following morning.

Mahalo again to each of you, Willette Kalāokahaku Akima-Akau

ʻOnipaʻa ..The words of our kūpuna...STAND FIRM

From Katie

Here are my notes from this morning’s meeting re: what our members and other interested parties should request. The two bold “asks” should be included in everyone’s email. Members emails should be sent to all 5 of the Senators and Representatives listed below. The italicized language includes suggestions on other information to include as individuals desire, and background information on the timing. Mahalo for a good and productive meeting this morning.


Two requests for support that must be included in the emails:

                 1)   Please support the request in House Bill 1600, HD1 for $8,000,000 for North Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor,  

                Design and Construction for Improvements to Harbor Dock, Break Wall and Related Improvements


                  2)  Please convert the $8,000,000 to general obligation bonds (from revenue bonds) as the method of funding.


Please include any other supporting information re: why this is important to you or the group you are representing.

Email your comments to all of the following.  It is important to get your emails out as soon as possible, and certainly by Monday, April 4th.  The bill is currently scheduled for a final hearing on the morning of April 5th before the Senate Committee on Ways and Means Committee. The House Committee on Finance will need to change its request to general obligation bonds after the Senate acts; the House Committee does not currently have a date scheduled to meet on this.


Senator Lorraine R. I Inouye

Senate District 4


Senator Donavan M. Dela Cruz, Chair

Senate Committee on Ways and Means


Senator Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran, Vice Chair

Senate Committee on Ways and Means


Representative Sylvia Luke, Chair

House Committee on Finance


Representative Kyle T. Yamashita, Vice Chair

House Committee on Finance

Email template:

TO: (need to do a separate email to each of the 5 Senators & Representatives listed at the end of the email template*)

FROM: (your email)

SUBJECT: House Bill 1600 HD1, Capital Improvement Project Funding for Kawaihae North Small Boat Harbor for Harbor Dock, Break Wall, & Related Improvements

Dear Senator Inouye: (need to change for each Senator/Representative listed below)

My name is (your first and last name) and I am a member of the Kawaihae Canoe Club (or other group).

I request your support for the Capital Improvement Project funding request in House Bill 1600 HD1 for $8 million for Kawaihae North Small Boat Harbor for harbor dock, break wall, & related improvements. I also request your support for conversion of the funding source to General Obligation Bonds.

(Here you can add something personal on why the issue is important to you and how it affects you, your family member and your community.)

(Your name,

Street address
City, State, Zip Code)

From Dave Tarnas to Katie

Yes, the recommended message to legislators is accurate and these are the correct legislators to whom KCC members should send their emails. As you suggest, the emails should advocate that legislators support this Capital Improvement Project funding request for $8 million in General Obligation Bonds for Kawaihae North Small Boat Harbor for harbor dock, breakwall and related improvements.


You can also recommend that members sign up for my e-newsletter for updates on this and other legislative matters. Please subscribe here:

March 27

Kawaihae Boat Harbor Meeting

April 9

Kawaihae 50th Anniversary Reunion